regulatory compliance

Cyber Risk Reporting: Effortless. Reliable. Compliant.

Squalify makes quantitative and qualitative materiality assessments seamless. Streamline cyber risk reporting and oversight with board-friendly language.

problem statement

Cyber Risk Reporting is tedious but necessary.

As more regulators around the world define cyber risk management standards and regulations, there is a corresponding rise in the necessity to report corporate cyber risk. However, the disclosure requirements landscape is opaque and perplexing. Even worse, fulfilling these obligations demands time and effort, posing an additional distraction in daily business operations. Non-compliance with reporting obligations can lead to financial penalties, reputational harm, and disruptions to business activities. Are you effectively managing these responsibilities?

The biggest challenge for SEC disclosure is quantifying cyber risk.

AuditBoard, 02/2024

Clear, accessible and seamless Cyber Risk Reporting.

The Squalify SaaS platform makes cyber risk management reporting seamless. By providing reliable financial loss figures behind specific cyber risks, you can make cyber risk understandable to the board and investors.

Integrated cyber risk managemement: With Squalify, integrating cyber risk into your enterprise risk management system is seamless.

Risk comparison: Provide risk metrics that link financial impact to specific cyber risks. Compare the impact of cyber threats to other non-cyber risks to your organization.

Challenge risk reporting: Squalify enables you to challenge risk reporting to regulators, providing you with real financial metrics behind cyber threats.

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regulation 1

SEC Ruling (US)

Squalify enables seamless management of cybersecurity risks at the SEC and even allows you to report material cybersecurity incidents in as little as 4 business days.

Board-friendly language: Make it easy for your Board to understand cyber risk by translating cyber risk into the universal language of business: money.

Quantitative material assessment: Provide defensible materiality metrics by quantifying your worst-case loss, including realistic 100- and 200-year losses at the enterprise level (Value at Risk).

Qualitative material assessment: Understand the key cost drivers of cyber events in your organization by identifying material consequence scenarios.

regulation 2

NIS2 Directive (EU)

With Squalify, you can easily make cyber risk transparent and understandable to your Board and justify your cyber risk management efforts.

Board-friendly language: Make it easy for your Board to understand cyber risk by translating cyber risk into the universal language of business: money.

Loss scenarios: Quantify expected losses for rare but impactful scenarios (1-in-100 and 1-in-200-year events), providing a calibrated outlook based on your unique risk profile and a quantitative view of materiality.

Risk exposure: Determine whether your information security measures are adequate given your organization's exposure to cyber threats. With this insight, you can prioritize the right risk mitigation activities for the highest risks.

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regulation 3

Cyber Resilience Act (EU)

Squalify makes it easy to comply with the EU Cyber Resilience Act by quantifying the cyber risks of your organization and products, and the specific investments required to improve your security posture.

Top 10 Controls: Identify the top 10 information security controls that will have the greatest impact on reducing the financial impact of your cyber risk.

Simulations: Anticipate potential vulnerabilities to cyber threats by modeling the impact of information security changes on your cyber risk.

Risk Balance: Determine whether your information security measures are adequate given your organization's exposure to cyber threats. With this insight, you can prioritize the right risk mitigation activities for the highest risks.

regulation 4

DORA - Digital Operational Resilience Act (EU)

Squalify makes cyber risk monitoring and reporting seamless across the enterprise.

Board-friendly language: Make it easy for your Board to understand cyber risk by translating cyber risk into the universal language of business: money.

Comprehensive risk overview: Get a comprehensive view of your cyber risk exposure, from worst-case scenarios to quantified financial losses (100-year loss and 200-year loss). Compare the security posture of business units or subsidiaries to prioritize investments.

Risk mapping: Develop and validate the effectiveness of crisis management plans for data breaches, business interruption, and financial theft and fraud.

"The quality and speed of getting results with the Squalify CRQ platform is unparalleled."
Volker Burgers
Partner and Cyber Strategy Lead at Deloitte Germany