defense optimization

Optimize your Information Security Posture

Squalify helps you optimize the effectiveness of your security controls to protect your organization's assets and reputation. Gain insight from historical cyber loss data.

problem statement

Cyber Crime costs Companies $9.22 Trillion in 2024

The cost of cybercrime has never been higher! Annual losses are expected to rise from more than $9 trillion in 2024 to a total of $23 trillion over the next four years. Are you contributing to these cyber losses? Or are you prepared?

The global cost of cybercrime is expected to surge in the next four years, rising from $9.22 trillion in 2024 to $13.82 trillion by 2028.


Create the Strongest Defence Against Cyber Risk

With Squalify, you can pinpoint the security controls that will most reduce the financial impact of cyberattacks on your organization. This gives you actionable insight to best protect your company's assets and reputation.

Actionable results: Determine the specific information security controls that will most effectively reduce your cyber risk.

Data-Backed Insights: Support your case with data-driven insights from 9+ years of historical cyber losses.


How Squalify puts your Security Controls on Steroids


Simulate the impact of strategic decisions on your cyber risk. Compare the risk reduction potential of different cyber improvement programs and understand their ROI before committing.

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Risk Balance

Determine whether your information security measures are adequate, given your organization's exposure to cyber threats. With this insight, you can prioritize the risk mitigation activities that will actually have a positive impact on your business.

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"The quality and speed of getting results with the Squalify CRQ platform is unparalleled."
Volker Burgers
Partner and Cyber Strategy Lead at Deloitte Germany